"The Unfolding Tale" : Oils and egg-tempera on canvas : Copyright © 2006 by Martin Herbert |
One week before launching
wowlookwhatigot.com and amazingly things are pretty much on schedule. Yesterday I did most of the editing to set up the
indiegogo.com campaign page - there's just the main text to write - and that's today's main job. Now I have to pull together all the bits and pieces we've thought about over the last few weeks- made notes about, probably in a dozen different places, and all the ideas we've had about how to engage people's attention, and make them into one thought-provoking, entertaining and imagination-stimulating text a few paragraphs long. It needs to make people laugh, be interested, be entertained, and above all, put their hands in their pockets to support us. No pressure there, then.
We're indebted to Rachel Stelmach of
Disability Arts Cymru for pointing us in the direction of
Amara for adding subtitles for the hearing-impaired to our campaign video. Thanks to this useful site I was able to add subtitles in half a day or so - something I'd been wanting to do but thought I would never have time to do before the launch. She's also made some very useful observations on the useability of the site for other groups, and we've made her the 'useability consultant' on our team - something every campaign should have!
Still plenty to complete before next Friday, but it's looking good so far. I was somewhat cheered by the process of writing up the various 'perks' we're offering our investors, since it reinforces the belief that our goal is achievable - we don't need that many people to believe in the concept and contribute a few pounds/dollars for us to have a viable business within a couple of weeks, so, to all those people who get to read this once everything goes public - we need your support! Like Vivi-Mari says in the
video "even if it's only a dollar..." - and please, most of all,
tell your friends!