Monday, 11 March 2013

The Rolf - Perk no. 1

Number one in a series of posts about the perks you can get in return for contributing to our crowd-funding project -

The way crowd-funding works is simply to create a project which you hope people will find inspiring and innovative, and to ask your friends, family, colleagues and total strangers who like the look of the idea to contribute funds because they want to help make it happen. Although it's not compulsory to offer anything in return, of course most campaigners do.  Typically it might be a pre-order of a new techie gadget, or a CD of a band's new album, the production of which will be funded by the project, etc. etc....

In our case, the project is all about setting up a new business to publish our artworks, so of course we're offering art-related perks in return for contributions.

The Rolf - Perk no. 1 ($1)

Really we want to sell people trial subscriptions to our new service, in the hope that after trying it out, they'll want to take out a regular subscription later on, but we realise not everyone who might want to help make the project successful may want regular deliveries of artwork, or may not be able to afford the high price perks, hence -

The Rolf:
Just give us $1 because you like the idea (even if you can´t tell what it is yet!) – gets you our undying gratitude and your name on the mailing list for up-to-date information on how our brave new art world is doing. EVERY contributor will be signed up for invitations to exhibition private views, news of auctions of our original art, future membership offers, and details of other events.

We'll be continuing this series of posts telling you all about the perks available over the next week, but to find out more, just go to

Bye for now!

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